Project: Johannesburg Area, South Africa

Site location: The site is located on near Johannesburg South Africa.

Situation before using AquaRockBag® 

Polluted water with sugar scam coming from sugar plantage into the river using small channel causing double problem pollution of the water and as well channel bank erosion. Free install stones and as well gabions not performed well. 


  • The AquaRockBag® filling and installation process is quick, safe and easy which results in big savings on labour costs. (In this project the bags were filled near channel and immediately installed.) 
  • The AquaRockBag® provides substratum for numerous faunal ( Bio Disc )and invertebrate species which gives ecological benefit. 
  • AquaRockBags® absorb water energy, preserving natural processes and minimizing the impact on the substrate. 
  • The AquaRockBag® in this case perfectly blended to nature, more then sufficient bio protection and erosion protection 

After installation Video